Version 1.12 2nd editionRelease dates: 2011/12/01This document relates to Firmware of TXn: V1.30, ACD1: V1.12 or laterTXn/ACD1 Remote Control Protoco
21) QCMT: Used to cancel cyclical obtaining of a level meter.CommandOptionQCMT [AMP ID][Access ID][Meter #] QCMT OK QCMT ERRThe command name stands fo
Example 3: To obtain the total 10 ch of level meters from both AMP ID: 0-31 and 32-39 of the ACD1,The table above shows the required cycle is 250 ms i
E.g.) ACK if the connection status of the amp with AMP ID 0 on the ACD1 is successfully obtained:GCON OKCON 0 ONACK if unsuccessful in obtaining an am
3.4 Utility Command3.4.1 Command for Debug29) ECHO: Used to set/cancel Echo Back.CommandOptionECHO 0 [ON/OFF] ECHO OK ECHO ERRA character string recei
4. Command sequences Below are some examples of important command sequences.A parameter change (executed by Remote Controller)A parameter set commandS
Registration to obtain level meter cycleSMC 0 500(Set meter-get cycle to 500ms)SMC OKGCMT 0 0000 0(Periodically get all meter values for meter access
Troubleshooting (FAQ)Q:Is it possible to control TXn/ACD1 from multiple external control devices?A:No, only one controlling device is allowed.Q:Is it
TXn AMP section (Common to TX4n, TX5n and TX6n)Parameter category Parameter name MIN MAX unit00 00 / 01 /00:Ch A01:Ch B 00 / 00 00 Analog Input Voltag
TXn AMP section (Model dependent)TX4nParameter categoryParameter name MINMAX MINMAX MINMAX unit00 01 / 00 / 00 00 / 00 00 Power Amp Mode Power Amp Mod
TXn Status section (Common to TX4n, TX5n and TX6n)Parameter categoryParameter nameMIN MAX unit02 00 / 00 /00:Ch A01:Ch B 00 / 00 00 Analog Input Volta
1. Setup1.1 ConnectionWhen using this protocol to carry out remote control through the NETWORK connector, connect as follows: See device manual for de
TXn AMPMeter No. Meter nameMIN MAX Unit00 00 1 SP Out A -400 450 dBu -40.0 - 45.0[dBu] ex 12.6[dBu]=1262 SP Out B -34.0 - 51.0[dBu](*) 18.6[dBu]=12
TXn Signal Path (Common to TX4n, TX5n and TX6n)Access IDParameter Category Parameter Name MIN MAX UnitFaderType01 04 / 00 / 00 / 00 00 4x4 Matrix Mixe
Tn AMP (Tn common)Access IDParameter CategoryParameter nameMIN MAX Unit00 00 / 01 / 00 00 / 00 00 Standby Standby/On 0 1 - 0:Standby 1:Power On00 00 /
XP AMP (XP common)Access IDParameter Category Parameter name MIN MAX Unit00 00 / 00 / 00 00 / 00 00 Mode Power Amp Mode 0 2 0Speaker Output Voltage Al
Tn AMPMeter access ID Meter # Meter nameMIN MAX Unit00 00 1 SP Out A -170 430 dBu value x 0.1[dBu] ex 12.6[dBu]=1262 SP Out B -110(*) 490(*)00 00 3 Im
Table 1: Parameter table "Q" Table 2: Parameter table "Filter type" Table 3: Parameter table "Release"value Displayvalu
A Fader Table of -∞ to 0 dBValue Data Value Data Value Data Value Data Value Data Value Data Value Data Value Data0 -Inf dB 64 -87.50dB 128 -69.00
Value Data Value Data Value Data Value Data Value Data Value Data Value Data Value Data512 -25.55dB 576 -22.35dB 640 -19.15dB 704 -15.95dB 768
A fader table of -∞ to 10dBValue Data Value Data Value Data Value Data Value Data Value Data Value Data Value Data0 -Inf dB 64 -71.80dB 128 -59.00
Value Data Value Data Value Data Value Data Value Data Value Data Value Data Value Data512 -15.55dB 576 -12.35dB 640 -9.15dB 704 -5.95dB 768
3. Command Specifications3.1 Basic Command SpecificationsA command type transmitted between the TXn/ACD1 and the Remote Controller is in the following
3.2.2 Scene Control Command3) SCN: Used when a scene is recalled.CommandOptionSCN [AMP ID] [Scene #]The command name stands for "Scene."The
3.3 Command for the TXn/ACD1 Control3.3.1 Parameter Control Command9) SPR: Used to set a parameter other than a fader parameter, and a fader using a d
- The TXn/ACD1 will return two lines of character strings if successful.The first line will be a character string of "RSPR OK" or "RSVL
3.3.2 Scene Control Command15) RSC: Used to recall a scene.CommandOptionRSC [AMP ID] [Scene #] RSC OK RSC ERRSCN [AMP ID] [Scene #]The command name st
- The TXn/ACD1 will return two lines of character strings if successful.The first line will have a character string, "GCS OK".The second lin
- The TXn/ACD1 will return two lines of character strings if successful.The first line will have a character string of "GMT OK."The second l
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