Yamaha PSR-S975 Manual Page 26

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26 PSR-S975/S775 Reference Manual
Chord Types Recognized in the Fingered Mode
* Notes in parentheses can be omitted.
Chord Name [Abbreviation] Normal Voicing* Display for root “C”
1+8 1+8 C1+8
1+5 1+5 C1+5
Major [M] 1+3+5 C
Sixth [6] 1+(3)+5+6 C6
Major seventh [M7] 1+3+(5)+7 CM7
Major seventh flatted fifth [M7b5] 1+3+b5+7 CM7(b5)
Major seventh add sharp eleventh [M7(#11)] 1+(2)+3+#4+5+7 CM7(#11 )
Add ninth [(add9)] 1+2+3+5 Cadd9
Major seventh ninth [M7_9] 1+2+3+(5)+7 CM7(9)
Sixth ninth [6_9] 1+2+3+(5)+6 C6(9)
Flatted fifth [(b5)] 1+3+b5Cb5
Augmented [aug] 1+3+#5Caug
Seventh augmented [7aug] 1+3+#5+b7 C7aug
Major seventh augmented [M7aug] 1+(3)+#5+7 CM7aug
Minor [m] 1+b3+5 Cm
Minor sixth [m6] 1+b3+5+6 Cm6
Minor seventh [m7] 1+b3+(5)+b7Cm7
Minor seventh flatted fifth [m7b5] 1+b3+b5+b7Cm7(b5)
Minor add ninth [m(9)] 1+2+b3+5 Cm add9
Minor seventh ninth [m7(9)] 1+2+b3+(5)+b7 Cm7(9)
Minor seventh eleventh [m7(11)] 1+(2)+b3+4+5+(b7) Cm7(11)
Minor major seventh flatted fifth [mM7b5] 1+b3+b5+7 CmM7(b5)
Minor major seventh [mM7] 1+b3+(5)+7 CmM7
Minor major seventh ninth [mM7(9)] 1+2+b3+(5)+7 CmM7(9)
Diminished [dim] 1+b3+b5Cdim
Diminished seventh [dim7] 1+b3+b5+6 Cdim7
Seventh [7] 1+3+(5)+b
suspended fourth [7sus4] 1+4+5+b7 C7sus4
Seventh ninth [7(9)] 1+2+3+(5)+b7C7(9)
Seventh add sharp eleventh [7(#11)] 1+(2)+3+#4+5+b7C7(#11)
Seventh add thirteenth [7(13)] 1+3+(5)+6+b7C7(13)
Seventh flatted fifth [7b5] 1+3+b5+b7C7(b5)
Seventh flatted ninth [7(b9)] 1+b2+3+(5)+b7C7(b9)
Seventh add flatted thirteenth [7(b13)] 1+3+5+b6+b7C7(b13)
Seventh sharp ninth [7(#9)] 1+#2+3+(5)+b7C7(#9)
Suspended fourth [sus4] 1+4+5 Csus4
One plus two plus five [sus2] 1+2+5 Csus2
cancel 1+b2+2 Cancel
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