Yamaha JOGR JOGRR CS50 Owner's Manual Page 1

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CS50 / CS50M / CS50Z
Read this manual carefully
before operating this vehicle.
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Summary of Contents

Page 1 - CS50 / CS50M / CS50Z

49D-F8199-E0CS50 / CS50M / CS50ZOWNER’S MANUALRead this manual carefullybefore operating this vehicle.49D-F819D-E0:49D-F819D-E0.QXD 18/12/08 20:01

Page 2

G Do not run engine indoors. Evenif you try to ventilate engineexhaust with fans or open win-dows and doors, carbon monoxi-de can rapidly reach danger


1SAFETY INFORMATION1-4modifications not specifically recom-mended by Yamaha, even if sold andinstalled by a Yamaha dealer.Aftermarket Parts, Accessori


EAU10372Further safe-riding pointsG Be sure to signal clearly whenmaking turns.G Braking can be extremely difficulton a wet road. Avoid hard bra-king,

Page 5

EAU32220Left viewCS50/CS50M12345678DESCRIPTION2-121. Storage compartment (page 3-11)2. Shock absorber assembly (page 3-12)3. Final transmission oil fi


CS50Z123456798DESCRIPTION2-221. Storage compartment (page 3-11)2. Shock absorber assembly (page 3-12)3. Final transmission oil filler cap (page 6-7)4.

Page 7

EAU32230Right viewCS50/CS50M132467985DESCRIPTION2-321. Grab bar (page 5-2)2. Oil tank cap (page 3-7/3-10)3. Fuel tank cap (page 3-7)4. Seat (page 3-11

Page 8

DESCRIPTION2-421. Grab bar (page 5-2)2. Oil tank cap (page 3-7/3-10)3. Fuel tank cap (page 3-7)4. Seat (page 3-11)5. Battery (page 6-19)6. Fuse (page

Page 9

EAU32240Controls and instrumentsCS50/CS50M/CS50Z12345678DESCRIPTION2-521. Rear brake lever (page 3-7)2. Left handlebar switches (page 3-6)3. Speedomet


INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS3-13EAU10460Main switch/steering lockThe main switch/steering lock con-trols the ignition and lighting systems,and is

Page 11

To unlock the steering1. Push.2. Turn.1. Push the key in, and then turn itto “ ” while still pushing it.EAU11003Indicator and warning lights1. Left tu

Page 12

Read this manual carefully before operating this vehicle. This manual should stay with this vehicle if it is sold.49D-F819D-E0 18/12/08 16:56 Págin


EAU11181Oil level warning light “ ”This warning light comes on when thekey is in the “ ” position or if the oillevel in the 2-stroke engine oil tank i

Page 14

EAUS1424Multi-function display1. Select button2. Odometer/tripmeter3. Clock4. Fuel meterEWA12312s WARNINGBe sure to stop the vehicle beforemaking any

Page 15

6. When the one-minute digit startsflashing, push the button to set it.7. Push the button for at least twoseconds to start the clock.TIPAfter setting

Page 16

EAU12347Handlebar switchesLeft1. Dimmer switch “ / ”2. Turn signal switch “ / ”3. Horn switch “ ”Right1. Start switch “ ”EAU12400Dimmer switch “ / ”Se

Page 17

EAU12950Rear brake lever1. Rear brake lever The rear brake lever is located on theleft handlebar grip. To apply the rearbrake, pull this lever toward

Page 18 - Main switch/steering lock

To install the 2-stroke engine oil tankcap, push it into the oil tank opening.EWA10141s WARNINGMake sure that the fuel and 2-stro-ke engine oil tank c

Page 19 - Indicator and warning lights

eyes, see your doctor immediately.If gasoline spills on your skin, washwith soap and water. If gasolinespills on your clothing, change yourclothes.EAU

Page 20 - Speedometer

EAUS15002-stroke engine oilMake sure that there is sufficient 2-stroke engine oil in the oil tank. Addthe recommended 2-stroke engine oilas necessary.

Page 21 - Multi-function display

EAU14160Rider seatTo open the rider seat1. Place the scooter on the centers-tand.2. Insert the key into the mainswitch, and then turn it counter-clock

Page 22 - 2. Tripmeter

ECA10080NOTICEKeep the following points in mindwhen using the storage compart-ment.G Since the storage compart-ment accumulates heat whenexposed to th

Page 23 - Front brake lever

EAU10112Welcome to the Yamaha world of motorcycling!As the owner of the CS50 / CS50M / CS50Z, you are benefiting from Yamaha’s vast experience and new

Page 24 - Fuel and 2-stroke engine oil

Adjust the spring preload as follows.To increase the spring preload andthereby harden the suspension, turnthe adjusting ring in direction (a). Todecre

Page 25 - ZAUM0020

EAU15595Inspect your vehicle each time you use it to make sure the vehicle is in safe operating condition. Always follow the ins-pection and maintenan

Page 26 - Catalytic converter

FOR YOUR SAFETY – PRE-OPERATION CHECKS4-24EAU15605Pre-operation check listITEM CHECKS PAGE• Check fuel level in fuel tank.Fuel • Refuel if necessary.

Page 27 - Kickstarter

FOR YOUR SAFETY – PRE-OPERATION CHECKS4-34ITEM CHECKS PAGEBrake levers• Make sure that operation is smooth.• Lubricate lever pivoting points if necess

Page 28 - Storage compartment

EAU15951Read the Owner’s Manual carefully tobecome familiar with all controls. Ifthere is a control or function you donot understand, ask your Yamahad

Page 29 - (Depends on models)

EAU16761Starting offTIPBefore starting off, allow the engine towarm up.1. While pulling the rear brake leverwith your left hand and holdingthe grab ba

Page 30 - Luggage hook

EAU16793BrakingEWA10300s WARNINGG Avoid braking hard or suddenly(especially when leaning overto one side), otherwise the sco-oter may skid or overturn

Page 31 - EWA11151

EAU16830Engine break-inThere is never a more importantperiod in the life of your engine thanthe period between 0 and 1000 km(600 mi). For this reason,

Page 32 - Pre-operation check list

EAU17281Periodic inspection, adjustment, andlubrication will keep your vehicle inthe safest and most efficient condi-tion possible. Safety is an oblig

Page 33

PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT6-26EAU17715Periodic maintenance and lubrication chartTIPG The annual checks must be performed every year, except i

Page 34 - Starting a cold engine

EAU10132Particularly important information is distinguished in this manual by the following notations:IMPORTANT MANUAL INFORMATIONThis is the safety a

Page 35 - Acceleration and


Page 36 - Tips for reducing fuel


Page 37 - Engine break-in

EAU18740Removing and installing thecowling and panel1. Cowling A1. Panel AThe cowling and panel shown aboveneed to be removed to perform someof the ma

Page 38 - G A running engine has moving

EAUM1250Panel ATo remove the panel1. Open the storage compartment.(See page 3-11). 2. Remove the screw, and then takethe panel off.1. Screw2. Panel AT

Page 39 - EAU17715

TIPIf a torque wrench is not availablewhen installing a spark plug, a goodestimate of the correct torque is1/4–1/2 turn past finger tight. Howe-ver, t

Page 40

6. Refill with the specified amountof the recommended final trans-mission oil, and then install andtighten the oil filler cap. WAR-NING! Make sure tha

Page 41 - EAUM2070

water or soft tap water instead. Donot use hard water or salt watersince it is harmful to the engine. Ifwater has been used instead ofcoolant, replace

Page 42 - Removing and installing the

EAU21300Adjusting the carburetorThe carburetor is an important part ofthe engine and requires very sophisti-cated adjustment. Therefore, all car-buret

Page 43 - Checking the spark plug

EAU33601TiresTo maximize the performance, durabi-lity, and safe operation of your vehi-cle, note the following points regar-ding the specified tires.T

Page 44 - Final transmission oil

TIPThe tire tread depth limits may differfrom country to country. Alwayscomply with the local regulations.Tire informationThis model is equipped with

Page 45 - Coolant (CS50Z)

EAUS1172IMPORTANT MANUAL INFORMATIONCS50 / CS50M / CS50ZOWNER’S MANUAL©2008 by YAMAHA MOTOR ESPAÑA S.A.1st edition, August 2008All rights reserved.Any

Page 46 - Air filter element

EAUT1221Checking the front brakelever free play1. Front brake lever free playThe brake lever free play should mea-sure 2.0–5.0 mm (0.08–0.20 in) assho

Page 47 - Adjusting the throttle cable

EAU22380Checking the front brakepads and rear brake shoesThe front brake pads and the rear bra-ke shoes must be checked for wear atthe intervals speci

Page 48 - EWA10511

EAU32344Checking the brake fluidlevel1. Minimum level markInsufficient brake fluid may allow airto enter the brake system, possiblycausing it to becom

Page 49 - Cast wheels

EAU22721Changing the brake fluidHave a Yamaha dealer change thebrake fluid at the intervals specified inthe TIP after the periodic maintenan-ce and lu

Page 50 - Adjusting the rear brake

at the intervals specified in the perio-dic maintenance and lubricationchart.EAU23192Checking and lubricating thecenterstand1. CenterstandThe operatio

Page 51

EAU23272Checking the front forkThe condition and operation of thefront fork must be checked as followsat the intervals specified in the perio-dic main

Page 52 - Checking the brake fluid

EAU23290Checking the wheel bearingsThe front and rear wheel bearingsmust be checked at the intervals spe-cified in the periodic maintenance andlubrica

Page 53 - Lubricating the front and

charging it in an enclosed space.G KEEP THIS AND ALL BATTE-RIES OUT OF THE REACH OFCHILDREN.To charge the battery1. Have a Yamaha dealer charge thebat

Page 54

3. Turn the key to “ ” and turn onthe electrical circuits to check ifthe devices operate.4. If the fuse immediately blowsagain, have a Yamaha dealerch

Page 55 - Checking the steering

5. Place the bulb holder in its origi-nal position, and then secure itwith the retaining wire as shown.6. Connect the headlight leads andinstall the c

Page 56 - Checking the wheel bearings

SAFETY INFORMATION...1-1Further safe-riding points ...1-5DESCRIPTION...2-1Left view

Page 57 - Replacing the fuse

EAUT1923Replacing the tail/brake lightbulb or a rear turn signallight bulb1. Tail/brake light lensTail/brake light bulb1. Remove the tail/brake light

Page 58 - Replacing the headlight bulb

1. Turn signal light bulb3. Remove the burnt out bulb bypushing it in and turning it coun-terclockwise.4. Insert a new bulb into the socket,push it in

Page 59 - 1. Turn signal light bulb

1. Auxiliary light bulb4. Insert a new bulb into the socket.5. Install the auxiliary light socket(together with the bulb) by pus-hing it in.6. Install

Page 60 - EAUT1923

EAU25922Troubleshooting chartsStarting problems or poor engine performanceCheck the fuel level inthe fuel tank.1. FuelThere is enough fuel.There is no

Page 61 - Replacing an auxiliary light

Engine overheating (CS50Z)EWA10400s WARNINGG Do not remove the radiator cap when the engine and radiator are hot. Scalding hot fluid and steam may beb

Page 62 - Troubleshooting

EAU37833Matte color cautionECA15192NOTICESome models are equipped withmatte colored finished parts. Besure to consult a Yamaha dealer foradvice on wha

Page 63 - Troubleshooting charts

cleaning products, solvent or thin-ner, fuel (gasoline), rust removersor inhibitors, brake fluid, antifreezeor electrolyte.G Do not use high-pressure

Page 64 - Yamaha dealer check

EWA10941s WARNINGContaminants on the brakes ortires can cause loss of control.G Make sure that there is no oil orwax on the brakes or tires. Ifnecessa


3. Fill up the fuel tank and add fuelstabilizer (if available) to preventthe fuel tank from rusting and thefuel from deteriorating.4. Perform the foll

Page 66

Dimensions:Overall length:1740 mm (68.5 in)Overall width:675 mm (26.6 in)Overall height:1065 mm (41.9 in)Seat height:770 mm (30.3 in)Wheelbase:1210 mm

Page 67

Troubleshooting charts ...6-26SCOOTER CARE AND STORAGE...7-1Matte color caution...7-1Care ...

Page 68

Size:110/70-12 47LManufacturer/model:CHENG SHIN TIRE / C922Rear tire:Typ e:TubelessSize:120/70-12 51L 130/70-12 56LManufacturer/model:CHENG SHIN TIRE


Oil level warning light:LED X 1Turn signal indicator light:12 V, 1.2 W x 2Coolant temperature warning light (CS50Z):LED x 1Fuse:Main fuse:7.5 ASPECIFI

Page 70

EAU26351Identification numbersRecord the key identification number,vehicle identification number andmodel label information in the spacesprovided belo

Page 71

EAU26490Model label1. Model labelThe model label is affixed to the bot-tom of the seat. (See page 3-11).Record the information on this label inthe spa


2-stroke engine oil ...3-10AAcceleration and deceleration ...5-2Air filter element ...

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YAMAHA MOTOR ESPA A, S.A.PRINTED IN SPAIN2008.08-NOVOPRINT(E)49D-F819D-E0:49D-F819D-E0.QXD 18/12/08 19:59 Página 76

Page 75

EAUT1012Be a Responsible OwnerAs the vehicle’s owner, you are res-ponsible for the safe and proper ope-ration of your scooter.Scooters are single-trac

Page 76 - 2008.08-NOVOPRINT

cornering (insufficient lean anglefor the speed).• Always obey the speed limitand never travel faster thanwarranted by road and trafficconditions.• Al

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